Query AWS Athena for summary stats on Potlatch

In [1]:
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import datetime, sys
import matplotlib, statistics

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib inline

First, pull all changesets from Athena (using the AWS OSM Public Dataset)

SELECT date_trunc('week', created_at) as week, count(distinct(uid)) as users, count(id) as changesets, sum(num_changes) as edits
FROM changesets
WHERE lower(tags['created_by']) LIKE '%potlatch%'
GROUP BY  date_trunc('week', created_at)
ORDER BY  date_trunc('week', created_at) desc
In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('./data/potlatch_edits_weekly.csv')
df['week'] = df.week.apply(lambda t: pd.Timestamp(t).date())
week users changesets edits
0 2009-04-20 4501 41915 903575
1 2009-04-27 4703 42481 1119373

How much is Potlatch being used over time?

In [3]:

ax = df.set_index('week')['users'].plot(figsize=(15,8), style="-")

ax.set_ylabel("Number of users submitting changesets with Potlatch each week", fontsize=14);
ax.set_xlabel("Date", fontsize=14);
ax.set_title("Use of the Potlatch editor over time", fontsize=16);

ax2 = ax.twinx(); 
df.set_index('week')['edits'].plot(figsize=(15,8), style="--", ax=ax2, color='orange')

ax2.set_ylabel("Number of weekly OSM edits", fontsize=14)

ax.legend(['Users active each week'], loc='upper left'); 
ax2.legend(['Edits to OSM'], loc='upper right');
In [4]:
print("The last 25 weeks of Potlatch Stats: ")
The last 25 weeks of Potlatch Stats: 
week users changesets edits
587 2020-07-20 303 1697 270278
586 2020-07-13 303 1882 276405
585 2020-07-06 305 2197 287372
584 2020-06-29 319 2350 390981
583 2020-06-22 325 2216 299726
582 2020-06-15 346 2783 414455
581 2020-06-08 348 3303 352420
580 2020-06-01 361 3378 508794
579 2020-05-25 356 2718 257655
578 2020-05-18 379 3042 375535
577 2020-05-11 351 2863 338277
576 2020-05-04 350 2921 289676
575 2020-04-27 365 3284 397374
574 2020-04-20 356 3088 366147
573 2020-04-13 360 2922 346636
572 2020-04-06 372 2950 335145
571 2020-03-30 349 3420 424451
570 2020-03-23 316 2313 404755
569 2020-03-16 291 2051 341174
568 2020-03-09 321 2661 405363
567 2020-03-02 312 2379 375908
566 2020-02-24 333 2357 351264
565 2020-02-17 344 2702 306214
564 2020-02-10 337 3079 374584
563 2020-02-03 343 2613 330562